Fan Theory Attempts to Explain the Fake Infinity Gauntlet and Odin's Change of Heart
I am constantly finding and being told theories about Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4. I just recently found a theory that overlaps with these movies, but it intrigues me because it has a lot to do with the story of Thor: Ragnarok as well. The TLDR of the theory is that Odin had Eitri make him an Infinity Gauntlet, received a mock one to try on before the real one was made, and that’s the one that was in Odin’s vault. Also, the means of obtaining the Soul Stone is why Odin stopped being a conqueror with Hela.
I’d love to hear what you guys think of this theory, or if you have any thoughts as to why Odin had a fake Infinity Gauntlet and how Hela knew it was fake. Here’s the long-winded full theory posted by Redditor DraftDraw who in turn credits user bubonis: