Fans Want to See Joel Schumacher's Darker Extended Cut of BATMAN FOREVER But WB Hasn't Discussed it


Not long after director Joel Schumacher passed away reports started emerging that a darker, extended cut of Batman Forever existed. There are a lot of fans that seem to want to see this 170-minute version of the film and think that HBO Max would be the perfect place to show it.

The studio did confirm with Variety that Schumacher did shoot much more material than what we ended up seeing in the final cut of the film. Some of those deleted scenes actually ended up on the film's home video releases. However, they don’t know if the original footage had been preserved in good enough quality to ever be edited back into the movie.

The report goes on to say that there have been no discussions about releasing this extended cut of the film. They also describe Schumacher's original cut of the film opening "with a sequence involving the villain Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones) escaping from Arkham Asylum, and features extended scenes with the Riddler (Jim Carrey) when he invades the Batcave and uses his signature cane as a weapon. The bulk of this version’s run time focuses on the emotional and psychological issues that led Bruce Wayne (Val Kilmer) to decide to become Batman, including a sequence of Wayne facing down a giant, human-sized bat."

While I’m not the biggest fan of Schumacher’s Batman films, I’d watch the extended cut of Batman Forever if they released it. I’m curious to see how that version of the film would have played out. This movie was definitely better than Batman & Robin!

Would you be up for watching an extended darker version of Batman Forever?

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