Fantastic Featurette for SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE Focuses on the Incredible Art and Embracing the Imperfections
Sony Pictures has released a wonderful behind-the-scenes featurette for one of the best films of 2018, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. The featurette puts a focus on the art of the film, which was spectacular in every way! The visual style was one of my favorite aspects of the film because it was so freakin’ fun, cool, and unique.
Visual effects supervisor Danny Dimian explains, “One thing we wanted to do with this movie was bring the hand of the artist back, bring line drawings back into it… Basically bring more of the art back into it.”
The head of animation Josh Beverage goes on to say, “[We decided] that we were going to prioritize good taste over accuracy. And accuracy is one of those things that computers do really well, and people are better at good taste. Sometimes having things miss a line or feel slightly imbalanced is appealing and adds to the design.”
I loved that aspect of the film! It’s ok to have imperfections in the art and animation. All that stuff just adds character to the film. Beverage also explains, “Computers are too perfect and that’s one of those things that felt sterile. [They] had so much more design in it because there’s all these little misregisterings, little misalignments, and contacts aren’t absolutely perfect. The imperfect is charming, life’s imperfect.”
The animation team created a hell of a great looking film. The way they approached the style and animation design was perfect, even with all the imperfections.
Check out the featurette below and tell us what you thought of the how the art, style, and animation was handled in the movie!