Fascinating Video Explores the Disturbing Phenomenon of a Dark Figure Appearing Before Sleep Paralysis

Videos by Joey Paur

Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? It’s absolutely terrifying. It’s something that my family has gone through for years. With sleep paralysis you wake up and you can’t move. Your whole body is just frozen, and in most cases people her a ringing in the ear.

If that’s not terrifying enough, there’s usually a dark figure that you see enter the room that you’re sleeping and you are filled with fear of doom. I was four or five years old when I first experienced this shit.

Lots of people have gone through this, and when you hear people’s stories, most of them have the same elements. It’s quite an incredible and disturbing phenomenon. They call them dreams in this video, but if you’ve ever experienced it’s not a freakin’ dream! At least it doesn’t feel like one.

Quartz has released an interesting report that focuses on the menacing dark figure that visits people. There are professionals that are interviewed who have found this figure to have common cultural connotations based upon worry and fear, and they say that it’s just a construct of the mind. But is it really?

In truth, there is no stranger lurking in the corners of our rooms at night. The Hat Man is only in our minds, and that may be even scarier.

Check out the video and let us know if you have ever experienced sleep paralysis tell us about it!

People across cultures have experienced seeing a shadowy figure as they sleep, he's known as the Hat Man. When he comes, people find they are terrified, unable to speak or move, and are frozen by a very real condition, sleep paralysis. The global anthology of Hat Man stories has only grown since.

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