FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HD Sleek & Stylish Sice Cosplay
Credit is due to the talented duo of cosplayer Meo Chan and photographer Sketch Turner, both of which are responsible for the sleek photo set you see here. Meo Chan’s take on Sice from Final Fantasy Type-0 is spot on, as is the giant Scythe she wields. You can catch the character portrait below, and as you can see it's pretty dead to rights. Turner’s slick photography takes it home, though, as the environments are greatly enhanced by his vibrant swathes of blue and red accents and the poses cement her status as the member of the Class Zero Squad you would most want to avoid on the battlefield. You can catch Meo Chan on Facebook, and make sure to take a look at Sketch Turner's Deviant Art or Portfolio pages to see more of his work.