Final Fantasy V Now Available on Android, For All the Silk in Asia

Games by Christian Mills

 One of the classic Final Fantasy games (and one of my personal favorites), Final Fantasy V is now available to download on Android devices. All of the art, sprites, and environments have been redone and look absolutely gorgeous, so this looks like this version is now the best way to experience the epic storyline and the loads of awesome classes.

See? Freaking GORGEOUS.

The downside is, in standard Square Enix style, they are charging sixteen dollars for the game. Sixteen bucks! For a mobile game. I don’t think Square Enix understands the concept of mobile gaming. Fun, little games for cheap. The average app cost is 99 cents, so Square is charging sixteen times the average app price for a remake. I’m sure some people will buy it, but that outrageous price undoubtedly scares away the vast majority of consumers, especially considering the much cheaper competition and the ability to play it for free.

There are a host of SNES emulators for both Android and iOS and, even though I don’t endorse pirating game ROMs, it is an alternative that Square Enix needs to take into account. Would people pay sixteen dollars for updated visuals when it literally takes ten minutes on the Internet to get it for free? I want to play this new, updated FFV but I don’t know how many consumers will pay to do the same.


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