Find A New Exciting Comic from Vault Comics with This Humble Bundle
If you’re looking for more comics to check out, consider the Escape Ordinary with Vault Comics (affiliate link) bundle from Humble Bundle. This comic bundle offers 19 items valued at $347 for as little as $18. Titles in the bundle include Vampire: The Masquerade Vol. 1: Winter’s Teeth, The Last Book You’ll Ever Read, I Walk With Monsters, Barbaric Vol. 1: Murderable Offenses, and more. In addition, each purchase of the bundle will support Room to Read which “seeks to transform the lives of millions of children in low-income communities by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education.”
From our friends at Vault Comics, get an instant library of their most popular titles from some of comics’ hottest creators! From the quiet New England inspired horror of The Autumnal: The Complete Series to the steel-swinging and blood-spilling adventures of Barbaric, Vault Comics’ range is on full display from creative minds like Tim Seely, Tina Howard, Rebekah Isaacs, Nathan C. Gooden, and dozens of others for whichever way you choose to escape ordinary. Plus, your purchase goes on to support Room to Read!
Which of the comics in this bundle are you most excited to read?