First Impressions: COROMON is a Fantastic Game

Coromon is an upcoming game from TRAGsoft and Freedom Games. It’s mostly billed as a monster-taming title and fans are excited. A free demo is available on Steam and the team at Freedom Games allowed me to play a bit more of the game during E3. The game is slated to release in Q1 2022 on Nintendo Switch and PC and you can find my thoughts below.

TRAGsoft and Freedom were very kind to let me play a different demo for the game that takes place roughly 15-20 hours into it and then they talked to me about the game and answered some questions I had. I want to start by saying that while the game looks like a monster-taming title at first glance, there’s a lot more to it. In the bit of the demo I got to play, there were a lot more JRPG elements that I wasn’t expecting. You collect new tech to allow different things like pushing items to block out traps and the Titans you face are designed to be bosses and not just powerful Coromon. In fact, you can’t capture the Titans.

There are a lot of other things I appreciate from Coromon. There are multiple save slots, multiple difficulties, character customization, and more. A small hint, there’s a mini-game in the computer at your house. Also, each Coromon has 3 color variations with the color being an indicator of their potential with some colors having more potential than others. Talking with the developers, they explained that the game’s story starts out more casual, but as you progress it becomes more mature. That’s pretty cool. Oh, there’s also in-game ways to learn about the different types, stats, statuses, and more information that you usually need the internet or a strategy guide to find.

One final thing that I thought was a really cool twist on the genre was the introduction of 2 experience bars. One will level your Coromon as normal and boosts their stats in a set way. The other bar is for their potential and when that levels up, you can customize which stats are boosted. This is really cool.

My one complaint about Coromon is that the graphics look worse the bigger your screen is/the higher resolution your screen is. On my 1440p 27” monitor, I had to keep the game window to about 1/4-1/3 of the screen in order to make sure it didn’t look too pixely and fuzzy.

Overall, Coromon really impressed me. TRAGsoft is doing a lot of great things with the game and making it more than just a clone of the popular franchise.

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