First Look at Wonder Girl's Costume in DC's TITANS

Well, it looks like Donna Troy, a.k.a. Wonder Girl, will be suiting up in the second season of DC Universe’s Titans. An image of her has surfaced online giving us our first look at her superhero costume. As you can see, it’s reminiscent of the costume she wears in the comics.

Donna thought she was out of the superhero business prior to Titans season one, but the team is pulling her back in. The actress who plays the character, Conor Leslie, has teased that she will definitely have a role next season:

"She's inevitably going to be involved with this, that's very apparent. Donna is now involved. Dick has dragged her into this mess, as a brother would."

It’ll be interesting to see how Wonder Girl’s story arc plays out and if there will be other new superhero characters introduced.

Titans season one can be watched in its entirety now on DC Universe, and season two is said to be released later this year.

What do you think of Wonder Girl’s costume design in the series?

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