For the First Time, Cable TV Subscriptions Outnumbered by Online Subscriptions

The MPAA recently released some data that indicates that for the first time ever, more people are watching media online than through cable TV. The data says that there are now 613.3 million subscribers to streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime worldwide. Meanwhile, only 556 million people are subscribed to cable worldwide. An important note though is that cable still generates more revenue than the digital platforms. In addition, roughly 52% of media consumption in America is via a digital platform.

I wonder how long this will stay a trend though as several consumers are getting sick of everyone and their dog starting a streaming service. I imagine the trend will continue for a few years, but I do question the stability as we enter an era with a million streaming services that will be required to access content. Am I wrong? Is this the beginning of the end for cable?

Via: THR

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