Former DAREDEVIL Showrunner Steven DeKnight Wants to Make a MOON KNIGHT Series

The former showrunner of Marvel's Daredevil, Steven DeKnight, who recently directed Pacific Rim Uprising, has another TV series in mind that he wants to develop. In a recent interview with IGN, DeKnight said that he wants to make a series based on Marvel's beloved character Moon Knight. I hope Marvel eventually lets him do it because that would be awesome! When asked about what he would like to do in the future he said:

"I wouldn't mind taking a crack at Moon Knight at some point. There are so many characters that I love in the Marvel universe."

Just in case you aren't familiar with Moon Knight, here's a brief description of the character thanks to Comic Vine that sums it up pretty nicely:

Moon Knight, Marc Spector, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley: four different aspects of the same man who was resurrected by Khonshu, the Egyptian Lunar-God of Vengeance and Justice to serve as his "avatar". Those unjust mortals who prey upon the innocents who travel at night, with powers that come from the moon, beware the Vengeance of the Moon Knight!

He goes on to say that one of the things keeping him from pushing it forward at this point is his busy schedule. 

"Really, for me, it would be about schedule. My schedule these days, as you imagine, is a little tight. God, you know, when I signed onto Daredevil, I expressed an interest in Iron Fist and the Punisher, which I both loved. I’d love to see Moon Knight get a little bit of love. Great, great character."

A couple of years ago it was rumored that Marvel and Netflix were looking at the possibility of a Moon Knight series, but we haven't had any update on that since the rumor broke. DeKnight went on to talk about his relationship with Marvel saying:

"I’ve watched them all. I mean, I loved my time there. It was interesting, I actually came into season one of Daredevil to help out my old buddies, Drew Goddard and Jeph Loeb. I watch all of the Marvel Netflix shows. I love the guys at Marvel, I love the people at Netflix, and I think there are some fantastic shows. Especially Luke Cage, which I really, really enjoyed."

I loved what DeKnight did with Daredevil so if he brought that dark grittiness to a Moon Knight series it would be badass! I'd love to see this happen. Do you think this would be a good project for DeKnight? Do you even think Marvel will actually end up doing this?

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