Former Michael Myers Reveals One Potential Problem With The 4K Restoration Of The Original HALLOWEEN

While the new Halloween prepares for its theater debut, the original classic just got rolled out in 4K. Being able to see the film in enhanced quality is exciting, although the original Shape actor Nick Castle told Bloody Disgusting the revamped film may ruin a great scene from the original cut:

I just talked to [director] John [Carpenter] about this and he said he and the cameraman did a viewing of this [restoration]. He was impressed with the sharpness. My question would be there is one scene that [director of photography] Dean [Cundey] had a great idea. Near the end, where Michael Myers is in the shadows, he actually dials up the light very, very slowly so that he starts to appear behind [actress] Jamie [Lee Curtis]. It’s right before he tries to either stab her or choke her. And I just wonder if that will be seen too early. That’s, I guess, my one concern, other than the fact that I’d love to see it in this format.

I haven’t seen the restoration yet, and I don’t have a 4K television. Anyone who does and has picked up the restoration should watch the scene, and then check it out on YouTube and see if there is a notable difference between that scene and the new version. Has anyone watched the original Halloween yet this year?

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