Four Actors Up for Doctor Doom in FANTASTIC FOUR

The casting for Josh Trank's Fantastic Four reboot continues with four actors up for the role of the villain Doctor Doom. Those actors include Domhnall Gleeson (About Time), Toby Kebbell (Wrath of the Titans), Eddie Redmayne (Les Miserables), and Sam Riley (On the Road).
These are all fine young actors, and I seriously think that any one of them would be awesome as this villain. Whoever ends up being cast will join Jamie Bell (The Thing), Michael B. Jordan (The Human Torch), Kate Mara (The Invisible Woman), and Miles Teller (Mr. Fantastic).
The Fantastic Four is set to be released on June 19th, 2015. Of the actors listed above, who would you like to see take on the role of Doctor Doom?
Via: The Wrap and Preview Image created by superman8193