Fox is Already Planning a DEADPOOL Sequel

Movie DeadpoolSequel by Joey Paur

Earlier today we learned that Fox was moving forward with a sequel to Fantastic Four, which doesn't make any sense. But they are also already planning a making a sequel to a film that fans are actually excited about! That sequel is for Tim Miller and Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool

Even though fans are excited for this Deadpool movie, it's a pretty risky move for the studio because of its R rating. That rating may make the fans extremely happy, but there's a chance it won't make the kind of money the studio is hoping for because that rating limits their audience. I really hope that it turns out to be more successful than they are thinking it will be. 

Producer Simon Kinberg has seen an early rough cut of the film, and he confirms that Fox is already talking about doing the sequel. During an interview with Collider he said:

"I have seen a rough cut of Deadpool and it’s fantastic. It’s a really good movie. It delivers on the promise of the trailer. We certainly are talking about the sequel...But yeah [Fox is] feeling good about it, we’re all feeling really proud of it, so hopefully before it comes out we will be well into the process of figuring out a sequel."

It's great to hear that the first movie is going to deliver the greatness. About a month ago Tim Miller said that he wanted to see Cable make an appearance in a Deadpool sequel. As it turns out, there's a good chance that he will actually be involved. When asked about the character and if he would be involved with the project, Kinberg said:

"It’s certainly come up because he’s such a big character in the world. And it’s a character that I’ve always wanted to do in one form or another, we talked about Cable actually in Days of Future Past at one point. But yeah we’re in such the early stages of sequel talk it would be genuinely premature for me to say whether or not he was gonna be in it." 

Cable isn't official involved with the film yet, but it's definitely looking good. I don't see how they can keep this Deadpool film franchise alive and not include Cable in it. Deadpool is scheduled to open February 12th, 2016.

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