Fox Is Open to Reviving Joss Whedon's FIREFLY

Fans of Joss Whedon’s sci-fi western Firefly have been wanting to see the series revived for years! As you all know, the wonderful show was canceled prematurely. It’s a shame, and the fans have never let Fox forget they made that terrible decision.

There’s been speculation on and off over the years that Fox might revive it, but it still hasn’t happened. The big question is… could it still happen after all these years? Sure! But, if it did, it definitely wouldn’t be the same show. At this point, I’m ok if the series never got revived. It had already sealed its place in TV history and at least we have one season and a movie to enjoy whenever we want. There are also some great stories that have been told in books and comics.

Well, for those of you still holding out for hope that a revival will happen one day, I’m here to get your hopes up even more. Fox’s president of entertainment Michael Thorn has confirmed that he is open to reviving the property, so long as it was done for the appropriate reasons and with the right story to tell.

While talking to The Wrap, Thorn explained:

“The macro answer is, any time we look at one of our classic titles, if there’s a way to reinvent it for today so it’s as resonant now as the original was, and is, to the fans, we’re wide open. I loved Firefly, personally, and I watched every episode. I didn’t work on it, but I loved the show. It had come up before, but we had The Orville on the air and it didn’t make sense for us to have, as a broadcast network who is very targeted, to have two space franchises on our air.”

There’s plenty of room for two space franchises! Especially if one of them is Firefly. Those people at Fox are kinda silly. Executive producer of the series Tim Minear previously explained:

“Joss did sort of revive it by making Serenity. But we have talked about different permutations and how that might work. Do you take two of the characters and put them in a different place and sort of retell a new story with two old characters, with new characters?”

That’s kind of what Star Trek: Picard is going to be doing, and it looks like it would be a great way to go with the revival if it actually did happen one day. If it does, I guess it won’t happen until after The Orville runs its course because heaven forbid Fox have two sci-fi space shows on its network.

While I seriously doubt we will ever get a full-blown series revival, if it does happen, Minear said, "I would love to see, like, an eight- or 10-episode limited adventure in that universe." I think that would make fans happy.

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