FOX is Reportedly Developing a SIMPSONS Sequel and Films For BOB'S BURGERS and FAMILY GUY
FOX has got some big animated projects in development that may end up carrying over into the Disney merger. According to The Wall Street Journal, there's a sequel in the works for The Simpsons Movie! On top of that, the studio is developing several other animated films which are also said to include Bob's Burgers and Family Guy.
Fans of The Simpsons have been wanting to see a sequel to the 2007 film for years and now it looks like it might actually happen on the verge of the show's 30th anniversary. A sequel has been mentioned a few time over the years. At one point the producers even took one of the storylines for the sequel and just ended up turning it into an episode.
That episode was called "The Man Who Came To Be Dinner" and it followed the Simpson family as they are kidnapped from a ride at Dizzneeland and taken to the planet of Kang and Kodos, Rigel 7, where the family is on the menu.
As far as Family Guy goes, creator Seth MacFarlane did hint at one point a few years ago that it might happen soon. The term "soon" in Hollywood, though, never really means what it's supposed to mean. With Bob's Burgers, this is the first time I've heard about any kind of feature film for it.
I'd love to see these projects eventually make it to the big screen. It's good to hear that they are in development. Only time will tell if Disney will continue development on them after their deal with Disney goes through.