Fox May Divide Assets Between Disney and Comcast
Comcast has outbid Disney for Fox, but it looks like Fox may have a way to have their cake and eat it too. B. Riley analyst Barton Crockett has explained that there’s a way for Fox to divide the assets and give some to Comcast and some to Disney. Here’s his explanation:
“We would expect Disney to at least match Comcast by adding cash, and Comcast to appease [Rupert] Murdoch’s tax concerns by offering stock, and some back and forth raising the deal bid. Barring a third entrant (Internet/tech is possible), we would see the most sensible outcome as splitting the baby, with Comcast getting Sky (which we see as its main goal) and Disney getting most of the rest.”
This looks like a great way to appease all three parties, but is it good enough for all three? That’s the big question. If the assets are not divided, the question remains of who will win? I know many of you are rooting for Disney either because you hate Comcast or because of the Marvel heroes that would be able to enter the MCU. Another reason to want Disney to win though is that they would then have distribution rights to the original Star Wars films. Just food for thought.
Source: CNBC