Fox Reportedly Hated The First Cut of THE NEW MUTANTS So Much That They Wanted To Reshoot the Whole Movie
The New Mutants opened in theaters this weekend and there are some people who were lucky enough to get out to theaters to watch it. I haven’t seen it yet because movie theaters aren’t open in the Los Angeles area.
Anyway, it’s no secret that there was a lot of behind-the-scenes drama regarding the film while it was under Fox’s control before Disney bought the studio. The release date of the movie was pushed back several times, and there were reports of the film having to go through major reshoots, reshoots that never ended up happening. But, apparently, Fox hated the first cut of director Josh Boone’s film so much they wanted to reshoot the whole damn film! According to Vulture:
“In postproduction, a studio executive noted that a total do-over would not necessarily be a financial wipeout given the film’s relatively bargain budget. ‘You could throw the movie out, start over, and it would still be the least expensive X-Men movie so far,’ the sources recall a high-ranking Fox executive claiming.”
According to the report, when Boone initially pitched his The New Mutants to the studio, he pitched it as a teen horror movie with John Hughes and Breakfast Club style sensibilities. However, the movie ended up being more raw and scary than the studio expected.
The studio brought in several new writers to do rewrites of the script and offer suggestions, but apparently, almost all of that stuff was rejected or revised by Boone. Fox even set up a meeting with all of these writers and Boone to go over all of their ideas, but Boone wouldn’t budge on his vision and he shot the film he wanted.
Obviously, the studio was not happy with it because they wanted to reshoot the whole thing. In the end, Fox just kind of sat around with it, as reports of reshoots started to flood the internet. There were no real updates on what was going on with the film until after Disney bought Fox.
After that, we learned that the reshoots never happened and that the version that is being released is the original cut that Boone intended audiences to see.
Have you had the opportunity to see The New Mutants yet? If so, what did you think!?