Frank Darabont in Talks to Direct THE HUNTSMAN
I love the films of Frank Darabont. The guy knows how to tell an amazing story. I'm just not sure about this possible next project of his. THR is reporting the the director is currently in talks with Universal Pictures to direct a movie called The Huntsman, which is described as a spin-off movie of Snow White and The Huntsman. Chris Hemsworth and Charlize Theron are expected to reprise their roles in the film. Kristin Stewart however will not be coming back, and I can't see anyone complaining about that.
The only thing I liked about the first movie was Theron's performance. She was awesome, but the film itself as a whole was terribly disappointing. I was so unimpressed that I have no interest in seeing another film set in that world. Even with Darabont directing, the idea of it still doesn't do anything for me. It seems like one of those big budget studio movies that the filmmaker is just doing for the money. I could be wrong! But this is one of those kinds of cookie cutter studio films that I never thought I'd see Darabont do.
In case you forgot, Darabont is the man who brought us The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and most recently, 2007's The Mist. Since then he has worked on The Walking Dead.
It would be a pleasant surprise if he was able to turn this Hunstman franchise into something incredible. I just think there's a better project out there for him to develop.