Free Comic Book Day Is Almost Upon Us!
Alright folks, it's May 2nd, and that means FREE COMIC BOOK DAY IS ALMOST HERE!
Regardless of who your favorite comic company is, Free Comic Book Day (known as FCBD for short) is a day to celebrate the industry that we know and love. Since it's a special occasion, make sure to leave the fanboy and fangirl hats at home and welcome some new future fans into the fold. Wherever you live, go hit up your local comic store on Saturday May 3rd and show some love. Buying a few things wouldn’t hurt either.
It's not called FCBD for nothing, so here are some previews of some of the offerings that will be available for you to pick up. You can peep the full list of available titles here.
Thanks in advance to Rick's Comic City for feeding my POP figure addiction, and I hope you know that Adam West Batman POP figure you have is mine son!
Check out the gallery above to see some of the books being offerred, and if you're unclear as to what FCBD is all about, peep the intro trailer below. You can also catch previews of DC's Futures End 0 and Teen Titans Go, and a preview of 12-Gauge's Sherwood, TX. Enjoy the comics!