Fun Honest Trailer For BATMAN: THE MOVIE When Batman Was a Mix of Christopher Walken and Jeff Goldblum

With Joker hitting theaters this weekend, the Screen Junkies decided to release a new episode of Honest Trailer that has some fun with the original 1966 Batman: The Movie. I loved the cheesiness of the original Batman series. It’s a unique one of a kind adaptation of Batman that we’ll never see again.

This Honest Trailer hilariously jokes around about the over-the-top cheesiness of the film and one of the best things that it points out is that this version of Batman is like the love child of Christopher Walken and Jeff Goldblum because it totally is! It’s pretty insane how the personalities of those two actors are Adam West’s Batman!

Anyway, after you walk out of the theater watching the twisted and jet black Joker movie, come back here and watch this to lighten the mood!

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