Funny Set of Comic Art Shows Who’s Better: Superman or Batman?

Artist Kerry Callen has created a great set to comic art that shows us whether Superman or Batman is a better superhero. This is what the artist had to say about her series:

For decades, fans have argued who is the better superhero, Superman or Batman. It recently occurred to me that the best way to determine this is to see how they’d fare if one replaced the other on their comic covers. Will one fare better than the other? This should decide once and for all who's superior! I selected six covers and then created six alternative images.

You can check all of those comic cover and alternate covers below. They are sure to give you a laugh, and I can’t argue with who the winner end up being. 

First up, Superman #32. Superman is being hit by multiple lightning bolts--

--while Batman is screaming multiple obscenities. Winner, Superman.

Next, Action Comics #357, featuring kids with kryptonite. Looks like Superman is in loads of trouble--

--Batman, not so much. Punk kids. Winner, Batman.

Let's look at a fairly famous cover, Batman #497, where Bane broke Batman's back--

I always thought this Batman cover should have had a sound effect on it. Otherwise, it merely looks like a visit to the chiropractor. Regardless-- Winner, Superman.

Next, Detective Comics #583. Batman is cooler when he's surrounded by bats!

Superman is not cooler when surrounded by supers. Winner, Batman.

Two wins for Superman. Two wins for Batman. It's a close race! Let's take a look at a cover that has both heroes on it, World's Finest #54--

It appears they are both equally as awesome! Suck it, Robin. Tie!

Lastly, Detective Comics Vol. 2 #37, the deciding image! Batman lives in a mansion and has a butler--

Winner - Batman!

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