Funny Short Film About a Woman Who Falls in Love with Home Depot's 12 Foot Skeleton

I’ve got a fun and silly comedy short film for you to watch titled “My New Boyfriend”, which comes from filmmaker Anthony DiMieri. It tells the story of a woman (Alexis Martinez) from New York City who was on the verge of giving up dating until she met the 12 foot tall skeleton from Home Depot. It was love at first sight.

Dating in New York was never easy. after years rotating between finance bros, tech guys, and Bushwick dudes with no bed frame, I was ready to give up. Then I finally met someone. He wasn’t like the others. He was different. He was tall. He had great bone structure. I was never much of a believer in love at first sight but when i first met the 12-foot skeleton from Home Depot it was like, wow, this might actually be the one.

Check out the short film and tell us what you think!

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