Funny Viral Video Shows Ant-Man Saving the Day in INFINITY WAR
Don’t worry, there are no spoilers in this article. This is a fan-made video that shows Ant-Man defeating Thanos in a very comical way. The footage of Thanos comes from the trailers for Avengers: Infinity War, so no worries there. Ant-Man was photoshopped in using footage from Ant-Man I believe. What’s your favorite idea of how Thanos should be stopped? Please remember no spoilers in the comments section. The first clip is part of a larger "Weird Trailer" video from Aldo Jones.
Tommy Williams
When I'm not writing for GeekTyrant, I enjoy playing games of all kind, rocking with my guitar, and running my YouTube channel Poor Man Pedals for guitarists. For official inquiries, please email me: || @tyguitaxe