GAME OF THRONES Gets a Cool Fan-Made WESTWORLD-Style Title Sequence

While we all wait for the new episode of Game of Thrones to air tonight, here’s a pretty cool fan-made opening title sequence that was created in the style of the Westworld title sequence.

The video is called WesterosWorld and it was created by Gilles Kontrol, who offered the following note with the video:

An homage to the two iconic drama series Game of Thrones and Westworld and to title designers Patrick Clair and Raoul Marks.

The project came to fruition over the course of 8 months of on and off work on it in my spare time.

The idea was sparked by the beautiful mashup by composer Brandon Chapman of the themes of the Game of Thrones and Westworld series.

WesterosWorld was also a way to push myself to try and achieve the level of quality of the original title sequence.

Check out the title sequence and let us know if you like how it turned out!

A homage to the two iconic drama series Game of Thrones and Westworld and to title designers Patrick Clair and Raoul Marks. The project came to fruition over the course of 8 months of on and off work on it in my spare time.

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