GAME OF THRONES Season 5 Recap in Six Minute Single Take

Even if you've seen every episode of Game of Thrones, you'd be forgiven if you didn't remember exactly what happened to every character in season five. After all, the last episode aired in June of last year, which is practically a lifetime ago with today's pop culture attention span. Benny Fine and Emily Tang give you a rapid-fire, single-take refresher in the video below before season six debuts on Sunday night.

GAME OF THRONES SPOILERS - BE WARNED! Subscribe to FBE! New videos every week!: Watch more Spoiler content: Subscribe to the React Channel too for MORE shows: CAST Emily Tang- Benny Fine FBE presents a recap of Season 5 of Game of Thrones so you can be fully caught up to watch and enjoy the Season 6 premiere on April 24th.

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