Gary Oldman Talks About the Villain He Almost Played in THE DARK KNIGHT Trilogy Before Being Cast as Jim Gordon

Gary Oldman has played some great roles over the years, including many villains and weirdos across the board. With that in mind, he seems like a perfect fit in the world of superheroes, but when he did take on a role in director Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, he decided to go a different way, playing good guy, Commissioner Jim Gordon.

It has always been said that Nolan wanted to hire Oldman for a villainous role in the film series, but neither the director nor actor ever revealed what that role was. It turns out that not even Oldman knew for sure what that role was, but he does have a strong suspicion.

In a recent interview on the Happy Sad Confused with Josh Horowitz, Oldman revealed:

"I got a feeling it was Scarecrow. That was about the time when I was sort of thinking I’ve had enough of [playing villains]. I think it was my manager who suggested to Chris, 'What about Jim Gordon?' And, to his credit, Chris went, 'Hm, that’s interesting.' We met and that’s how it sort of came about. But I think it might be Scarecrow."

Everything ended up working out just right. Oldman was great in the role of Commissioner Gordon, and Oppenheimer star Cillian Murphy was the perfect Scarecrow.

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