Gene Roddenberry's Son Rod Signs On As Executive Producer For New STAR TREK Series
The stars really are aligning for what looked like an initially doomed new Star Trek series. Fans who were maddened by the fact the series would be streaming exclusive to a CBS service were somewhat quieted when it was announced Bryan Fuller would be directing the series. Now the son of Trek's creator has joined the team!
Entertainment Weekly says Rod Roddenberry will be joining the new Star Trek show as a co-executive producer to insure the show remains within the realm of his father Gene's vision. He released a statement discussing his taking of the job:
“Moral dilemmas, human issues, complex characters, and a genuine sense of optimism: These are the cornerstones of Star Trek and are what have made it such an influential and beloved franchise for the last 50 years...While I will always be humbled by its legacy and the legions of fans who are its guardians, it’s a genuine honor to be joining a team of imaginative and incredibly capable individuals whose endeavor it is to uphold the tenets of Star Trek’s legacy while bringing it to audiences in a new era and on a contemporary platform.”
While I'm no longer concerned this show is being kept off television for fear it will suck, I'm now wondering why CBS would sink so much talent into a new streaming service! I get you want to launch a streaming service, but seriously, why does a nationally free network want a paid subscription model? People will watch this show in large numbers if you run it on primetime! WAKE UP, CBS!
I'm sure I'll check it out either way, but I worry low subscription rates and piracy will bring an early end to what could be a pretty good series!