Get Everything You Need To Play CALL OF CTHULHU From Humble Bundle Now

Humble Bundle has an amazing deal (affiliate link) going on right now for anyone currently playing or interested in playing the tabletop RPG Call of Cthulhu. For only $25 you can get up to 25 Call of Cthulhu books valuing over $400. This is more than just supplements too, this includes the Keepers Rulebook, Investigators Handbook, and Malleus Monstrorum. But that’s not all, you can also get one of the latest sourcebooks, Berlin the Wicked City as well as the alternate rules of Pulp Cthulhu, Down Darker Trails, and Cthulhu Dark Ages. You’ll also be able to pick up a few solo adventures for when you can’t get the group schedule right, these include: Alone Against the Tide, Alone Against the Frost, and Alone Against the Dark. There are also a ton of scenario books and card decks and keeper screens. They have even included the Starter Set which is a great place to start if you just want to quickly jump into a game. Call of Cthulhu has quickly become one of my favorite tabletop RPGs and it only gets better the more I play it. This is a seriously amazing deal, the core rulebooks alone make the deal worth it but all these extras will give you so many hours of gameplay. You’ll also be supporting the World Wildlife Fund with your donation. Do not sleep on this deal, it will be available from now until January 27 at 11AM Pacific time.

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