Get Your Kids Playing D&D with CLONKER'S GUIDE TO BEING A HERO
Dungeons & Dragons is more and more popular with every day that passes, and parents are always looking for a new thing to do with their children. Why not get your children involved in the game? Well, thanks to Clonker’s Guide to Being a Hero, that’s a little easier for younger children. This unofficial supplement is full of five adventures designed to be playable by any player of any age and was created by Anne Gregersen, Jean Headley, Emily Smith, Jeff C. Stevens, and Christopher Walz. The supplement also has a lot of advice for playing with young players with a few dos and don’ts as well. I don’t know that my 2-year-old is quite ready for the game, but these are definitely designed to be friendly for very young players.
“Forgetful wizards and dangerous lasers. A young drow separated from her family, caught between worlds. An owlbear just trying to find mom. A wizarding student and her sabotaged experiment, and a dragon learning to cope with being born different. These stories await you and your young heroes in Clonker’s Guide to Being a Hero.”
You can purchase Clonker’s Guide to Being a Hero from DMs Guild for $14.95 and a portion of the proceeds will go to Extra Life.