Glenn Close's Character Nova Prime Wasn't Included in INFINITY WAR or ENDGAME, But Close Was Almost Cast as Something Else

While it feels like we pretty much saw every past Marvel cinematic universe character make an appearance in the two films Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, there were some that didn’t make the cut. The films were epic, and did include droves of characters that we hadn’t seen in a while, but it all worked and made sense. They just couldn’t include every single character from every single film. One of the characters that didn’t make it was Glenn Close’s character, Nova Prime, from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1.

In a recent interview with CB, Endgame writer Christopher Markus talked about the original idea of casting the actress, explaining that they would have actually recast her in a different role, and said:

“We actually had, I remember in the big manifesto thing that we did, where the first work we did on these movies where we just… every possible storyline that you could take from what’s around, that Nova has the Xandarian Worldmind. Yeah, the Xandarian Worldmind, was that after… it was almost going… In this conception, he would be the herald, not unlike the Hulk, who was actually standing in for the Silver Surfer, but that one member of the Nova Corps survived Thanos’ attack. The Xandarian Worldmind would be the voice of Glenn Close, because you had her and why not? And that he would be Richard Rider and he would come to earth.”

This would have been cool, but there was already plenty going on in the films, and they just didn’t need anything else. Would you have liked to have seen the Xandarian Worldmind included in the films?

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