GONE GIRL — Affleck and Pike on Whether It's a Bad Date Movie
According to Empire "an underwater scene (hence the weird headgear, which will allow properly wavy hair to be added late)"
All nine GeekTyrant articles about Gone Girl are preceded by the name the name of its director — David Fincher. We are all huge fans of his and will watch pretty much any movie he makes. Fincher told Empire that Gone Girl is a date movie that will "end 15 million marriages." I know his films can be disturbing, but if this movie ends your marriage, odds are it was heading that way already.
Ben Affleck weighs in on Fincher's statement.
"I actually think this is the perfect date movie, not because I think it'll result in divorce - I think that's just David's fantasy - but because it's the kind of movie that a husband and wife could talk about afterwards. I think a man and a woman would have different takes on what happens. The last time I was in a movie that I thought polarised men and women in an interesting way was Chasing Amy. That was quite some time ago."
Rosamund Pike adds her own insight.
"That aspect of marriage as a con game, or whatever. The idea that we perform a sort of ideal version of ourselves that the other person wants. We perhaps belie our true nature in order to perform to the ideal. David and I talked a lot about living in an age of rampant narcissism."
Empire also released a few photos that the feature Neil Patrick Harris, Carrie Coon, Affleck, Pike, and Fincher.
Gone Girl will be the primary suspect in an attack on date night October 3 (USA).