GRAVITRAX Gets Ready To Add Electronic Components To Your Marble Tracks

If you haven’t heard of the popular STEM toy GraviTrax, it’s a series of rails and a variety of tracks that you build how ever you want to get a marble from the start of your course all the way to the end, typically using gravity. It sounds really simple, but it is actually really fun to build and with all the different expansions available there are tons of possibilities.

Now for the first time Ravensburger is adding electronic components to the mix. GraviTrax POWER will launch this Fall with two different starter sets. In September Target will exclusively sell GraviTrax POWER Starter Set Launch for $99.99. It will be a 123 piece set that will include both the new POWER Starter and POWER Finish elements. In October Amazon and specialty realtors will carry GraviTrax POWER Starter Set XXL for $329.99.

This will include a 138 piece set that includes all seven new electronic POWER elements. New GraviTrax Power accessories will also be available at retailers nationwide in October 2022. All these new pieces will be compatible with past releases and will allow builders to add power boosting signal control for longer lasting marble runs. It sounds like a lot of fun.

I’ve helped my daughter build some GraviTrax tracks before and we loved it. If you enjoy building and tinkering with things, this is for you and is a really fun activity to do with family. 

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