Guillermo del Toro Explains Why He Wants to Live in the World of Studio Ghibli's MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO

In case you’ve been wondering what kind of world outside of this one director Guillermo del Toro would like to live in, he has an answer for you! The filmmaker recently admitted that he would want to live in the world of Studio Ghibli’s My Neighbor Totoro, and he explained why:

"I would live inside the world of My Neighbor Totoro. The pastoral beauty of that place. But at the same time, the fact that it's a proper house. You're surrounded by woods that are mythical and old and full of stories and spirits. Miyazaki's Ghibli films, they create skies and trees like nobody else and you can eat sushi every day.”

Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki have created so many beautiful and fantastic worlds for the stories that they tell in their animated films. The world of My Neighbor Totoro is so magical with its imaginative portrayal of rural Japan in the 1950s. Miyazaki imbued the setting with a sense of enchantment and wonder through the use of lush, green landscapes, charming and imaginative creatures, and a story that blends elements of reality and fantasy. I’d want to live there as well! I also wouldn’t mind living in the world of Spirited Away because of how far-out and beautifully weird it is!

What Studio Ghibli world would you want to live in?

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