GUN HONEY is Getting a TV Series

Titan Comics recently shared the first trailer for a new comic series called Gun Honey. The new series from writer Charles Ardai and illustrator Ang Hor Kheng will run for 4 issues and follows weapons expert Joanna Tan who gets into some trouble and must work with the government to track down a criminal she helped. Now, Titan Comics is announcing that they’ve partnered with Hard Case Crime, Piller/Segan, and Double Vision to create a TV series.

Featuring interior art by Malaysian illustrator Ang Hor Kheng as well as two covers by legendary movie poster painter Robert McGinnis (creator of the posters for the original James Bond films), GUN HONEY tells the story of Singapore-born weapons expert Joanna Tan, the best in the world at providing her clients with the perfect weapon at the perfect moment. When her new assignment leads to the escape of a brutal criminal from a high-security prison, Joanna is forced to track him down – and to confront secrets about her own past that will challenge her sense of who she is.

Talking about the opportunity, Lloyd Segan of Piller/Segan said:

We look forward to continuing our creative partnership with Charles, in concert with our friends and colleagues, Min Lim and Chi-Ren Choong at Double Vision, as we collectively bring GUN HONEY to the screen.

Min Lim of Double Vision said:

I started reading GUN HONEY and I didn’t put it down till I’d finished the whole thing. Finding a fresh take on the femme fatale is not easy to do, but Charles did exactly that with Joanna and GUN HONEY and as Malaysians, we are incredibly excited to work on bringing an authentic South East Asian character to the screen in a big way. And, to be able to do it with Charles and our partners at Piller/Segan is just the icing on the cake!

Ardai shared:

The heart of GUN HONEY is Joanna Tan – who she is and where she comes from – and I can’t imagine better partners to bring her story to life with authenticity and incredible filmmaking talent than Double Vision. I am a huge fan of their work on The Bridge and can’t wait to see what they have in store for Joanna. And the opportunity to work with Piller/Segan again is a joy: working with Lloyd and his team to make Haven was an extraordinary experience.

The new Gun Honey series marks the second TV collaboration between Hard Case Crime and Piller/Segan after producing Haven for SyFy which ran for 6 years. Fans will be able to read Gun Honey #1 on September 22.

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