Harrison Ford Doesn't Want You to Ask Him Stupid Questions About Han Solo or Indiana Jones Anymore

Harrison Ford has constantly been asked silly questions by fans for years, and he’s over it. Most of the questions involve his characters Han Solo and Indiana Jones, and things he would do as those characters. He just doesn’t want to you ask him stupid questions anymore. Ford is more than willing to answer real actually thoughtful questions, but there are some that he’s just not excited about answering.

Years ago, Ford talked about the kinds of questions that he gets from fans, saying:

"I don't mind answering thoughtful questions. But I'm not thrilled about answering questions like 'If you were being mugged, and you had a lightsaber in one pocket and a whip in the other, which would you use?'"

A few years after that, during an appearance at Comic-Con in 2013, the actor was asked what Indiana Jones and Han Solo would say to each other if they met. He sarcastically replied, "Hi, how are you?" and then proceeded to shake his head in shame.

To this day he’s still being asked these absurd questions about the iconic characters he’s played. During an interview with Esquire he was once again about questions he’s asked by his fans, and he amusingly went off!

“Well, they usually ask me, ‘If there was a fight between Han Solo and Indiana Jones, who would f**kin’ win?’ And I say [voice rising, fingers drumming], ‘Me, asshole! I don’t want to f**king make shit up like that. I mean, what are you asking me that crap for?’ ”

No matter how many times Ford has revealed how much he hates these questions, for some reason people still ask continue to ask them! Maybe his fans are really just out to get him riled up!

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