Labyrinth is a really fun board game from Ravensburger for the whole family. The game is simple enough that I’ve had 6-year old nieces and nephews pick up how to play, but it is still fun for a group of 2-4 adults. Well, it turns out there’s a Harry Potter version of Labyrinth, so I decided to check it out.

What did I think of this reskinned version? Well, I was honestly disappointed. The game pieces are boring wooden pawns instead of plastic miniatures; the tiles are really busy and so it can be hard to make out different paths; and instead of collecting objects, you’re looking for characters.

The positives of this are that while more boring than the pieces for the original game, the pawns are durable. Also, the gameplay is identical, and as I mentioned before, I enjoy the original, so I enjoyed this one.

All in all, if you’re a giant fan of Harry Potter, Harry Potter Labyrinth can be a fine, albeit more expensive, choice. This could make for a great game though for Halloween or as a gift in the upcoming holiday season.

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