Haunting Animated Short Based on The Creator's Terrifying Experience with Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is an insanely terrifying experience. If you’ve never had to deal with it, consider yourself very lucky. For those of you interested in the stories people have to tell regarding their sleep paralysis experiences, I’ve got an animated short film here that you’ve got to watch.

The short was created by Andrew Ognibene and in the short he tells his own frightening struggle with sleep paralysis and the monsters that terrorized him. It’s actually really creepy stuff, and for anyone who has experienced this for yourself, you’ll be able to relate.

Animated story documenting my experience with sleep paralysis. Made this for my 2D studio class at Pratt Institute. I am a student and this was my final sophomore project.

Ognibene’s sister Reddit user wilallgood, shared a comment on Reddit regarding her brother, saying: 

My brother has been dealing with Sleep Paralysis since middle school. He made this haunting yet hopeful animation for a final and so others can see what he sees.

Watch the animated short below and let us know what you think. Have you ever experienced anything like this? It’s happened to me twice when I was a kid, but I have a brother who still struggles with it.

Animated story documenting my experience with sleep paralysis. Made this for my 2D studio class at Pratt Institute. I am a student and this was my final sophomore project.

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