Haunting Post-Apocalyptic Short Film - THE LAST MAN

The Last Man is a dark post-apocalyptic thriller written and directed by Gavin Rothery. The story revolves around a Deep Reserve soldier who wakes up from hibernation to find that the world he knew has been ruined by war. It’s a haunting and tense story that is told through beautifully gritty visuals.

Rothery was part of the production team that worked on Duncan Jones Moon, so you’ll see the influence from his work in that in some of the imagery in this short. The production value is solid, and the attention to detail really helps makes the film pop.

I think you’ll like what you see, so make sure to take the time and check it out when you get a chance! After you watch it, let us know what you think!

Written and Directed by Gavin Rothery Original soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/charlottehatherley/sets/the-last-man Starring Richard D Glover Produced by Philip Herd Original score by Charlotte Hatherley Sound Design by Paul Carter For more of my work and contact details, visit my portfolio website www.gavinrothery.com

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