HAWKEYE Actor Fra Fee Joins BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Prequel Series at Disney+

Fra Fee, the actor known for his roles in Les Misérables, the latest Cinderella, and Disney+’s Marvel series Hawkeye as bad guy Kazi, has been cast in the Disney+ Beauty and the Beast prequel series. The live-action musical series stars Luke Evans and Josh Gad, who will reprise the roles of Gaston and LeFou (Louie) respectively from the 2017 live-action Beauty and the Beast film.

In addition, newcomer Briana Middleton will play Tilly, Louie’s stepsister. “Set in the iconic kingdom of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ years before the Beast and Belle’s romance, the series will follow Gaston and LeFou as they set off with Tilly after a surprising revelation from her past comes to light, sending the trio off on an unexpected journey.”

Fee will star as Prince Benoit Berlioz, a childhood friend of Tilly’s who has grown into a handsome, charismatic, confident prince.

Fee is a good actor, and it will be fun to see him in this role. Disney+ has not yet revealed the show’s release date, so stay tuned.

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