Hawkeye is Rumored to Undergo a Drastic Dark Change in AVENGERS 4

A fascinating rumor has surfaced for the upcoming Avengers 4 regarding Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye. The character will reportedly go through a very drastic and dark change. If you don't want to know any details on what these changes are, I suggest you don't read any further.

According to MCU Exchange, who has broken some solid Marvel news in the past, Clint Barton may undergo a big change that would cause him to shed his Hawkeye alter ego and adopt a completely new look and name.

According to their inside source, Barton will appear as Ronin or an iteration of Ronin in Avengers 4! In the comics, Barton became Ronin when he rejoined the New Avengers in the aftermath of Civil War. As for how this Ronin story arc will play out in the MCU, the report says:

We are told that the events of Avengers: Infinity War (one specific event in particular) leaves Barton in a VERY dark place and is the inciting moment in the archer’s shift into this darker superhero mantle. Given the nature of events that cause the shift, it’s possible that they may not make the final cut of the film, but trust us when we say that if they do, you will absolutely know it when you see it.

The site is very confident with their inside sources, but until we see or hear anything official, we'll treat it as a rumor for now. What do you all think about the possibility of seeing Barton become Ronin? I actually hope that it turns out to be true because it would be awesome! Clint Barton's Ronin is a badass.

Avengers: Infinity War will hit theaters on May 4, 2018 and Avengers 4 will be released one year later on May 3, 2019!

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