Hayden Christensen Recalls Apologizing To The Youngling He Terrified in STAR WARS: REVENGE OF THE SITH

Hayden Christensen recently looked back on his time shooting the dark scene in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith where Anakin Skywalker slaughtered a group of younglings. There was one young actor in particular that he had to terrify for that scene, Ross Beadman, and to get the reaction that George Lucas was looking for, Christensen had to let him have it.

While speaking with Empire Magazine about the intensity of the sequence and trying to get a reaction of true fear from Beadman, Christensen said:

"Kids seem to forget about that scene when they meet me! There's not any fear or intimidation. They're just excited to meet Anakin. There was a lot of talk about us doing that scene, and I love that George [Lucas] did it. It was a bold move. And it's shocking.

"When we were filming that, we were having a hard time getting the reaction that we wanted from the kid. And so I shouted, or growled at him, because we needed a genuine moment of him being startled. It got the response that we needed, and it makes that scene work really well.”

Christensen eventually reunited with Beadman and amusingly admitted that he oplogized for scaring the young boy.

“ I saw him years later. I said, 'Sorry about how that went.'"

You can’t hear the scream or growl, but you can definitely see Beadman’s reaction from it when Anakin ignites his lightsaber.

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