Here's a Fantastic CG Animated Short Sequel From Neil Blomkamp Called ADAM: THE MIRROR

Neil Blompkamp's Oats Studios has released a new CG animated short film called Adam: The Mirror, which is the second film in a series that started with the short Adam, which was released about a year ago.

The short was created using a real-time rendering engine called Unity for video games. It offers some awesomely stunning visuals.

The short is set in the distant future, and the story revolves around a robot named Adam who confusingly wakes up to find he’s being released into a world with other robots just him. You can see that he’s a felon with a digital screen on his chest that reads, “Adam M. Thomas - Felony Code 227900". After they are released, they are confronted with two mysterious bounty hunter-type characters who remove the felony code and free them. 

As far as the next episode goes, it follows our amnesiac hero as he discovers a clue about what and who he is. I included both of the short below for you to watch.

I really like where this story is going and I'm looking forward to seeing how the next chapter turns out! I'm hooked!

Oats Studios brings to life the next chapter in the Adam story, made in real-time using Unity. Join our amnesiac hero as he discovers a clue about what and who he is. The next chapter arrives soon.

Watch the next chapter in the ADAM story, ADAM: The Mirror! The Adam demo is a real-time-rendered short film created with the Unity engine by our demo team. It runs at 1440p on a GeForce GTX980. Download the demo & the assets: What is Unity? -

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