Here's a Great Modernized Trailer For The 1997 Film STARSHIP TROOPERS
Can you believe that it's been 20 years since Starship Troopers was released in theaters? It's crazy, and it makes me feel so damn old! As a way to celebrate the 20th anniversary, Tim Gonzales put together a modernized trailer for the film and he did a great job! He released the trailer with the following note:
"I was 11 when I saw first saw it in theaters, and I remember it being one of the most visceral experiences I've ever been exposed to at that point, with all the gory violence and casual nudity. My parents were cool with it; they had let me watch movies like Predator and Aliens prior to seeing Paul Verhoeven's take on war with an alien species.
"Looking back, the political satire throughout Starship Troopers was completely lost on me as a kid, and I instead just took it in as a grandiose sci-fi war epic. For this modern trailer, I tried my best to capture that initial impression I had of the film, and chose to not focus on its sociopolitical commentary. Fans of the film, I hope you enjoy this! And if you haven't seen the film, maybe this trailer might entice you seek it out? Either way, thanks for watching!"
This trailer actually makes me want to watch the movie again, which I haven't seen in years. Do you remember your first experience watching Starship Troopers? If so, feel free to share it in the comment section.