Here's a Look at the Gameplay for YU-GI-OH! LEGACY OF THE DUELIST: LINK EVOLUTION

Nintendo fans are finally getting another Yu-Gi-Oh! game this year. If you live in Japan, you already have access to Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution as it was released today. If you live outside of Japan, the game is set to release this summer. Well, if you’re pumped like me, you’ll be excited to know that some gameplay was shown during a recent livestream of a Duel Live event.

The gameplay looks just as you would expect, and there’s not much there that should be shocking. I will say that there were a few moments when I was disappointed in the 3D models used, but they also seem to only appear for a very brief amount of time that I’m not sure if that means they get a pass or that they should’ve put in some extra effort on them.

All in all, I’m still excited for Link Evolution and will probably end up picking it up on the Nintendo eShop when it drops. If the embedded player does not skip to the point of the gameplay, it’ll be found at the 1:15:53 mark.

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