Here's a Machine Gun That Fires 120 Paper Airplanes Per Minute

TechVideos by Joey Paur

When I was kid I used to spend a lot of time making paper airplanes. I remember even buying a book that showed you all the different kinds of paper airplanes that people could make. It was a lot of fun! Boy oh boy, I wish I would have had a paper airplane machine gun when I was a kid! 

Dieter Michael Krone created an awesome machine gun called the PFM-A5 and. All you have to do is put in 200 sheets of A5 paper into the back of the gun, and it folds up and shoots out 120 paper airplanes per minute. I've gotta say... that pretty impressive.  You can see the machine gun in action below!

The new version of my paper airplane folding machine PFM A5 v2.0 in action. Big thanks to all supporters of my little machine You made this one possible. Thanks also to my 3D-printer for concessions during the manufacture of large parts on an FORTUS 900mc, everything looks so much better!

Via: Gizmodo

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