Here's a Piece of SUICIDE SQUAD Marketing That Doesn't Give Away a Single Frame of The Movie
I'm really looking forward to seeing Suicide Squad, but I must admit that after watching this year's Comic-Con trailer, I feel like I've already seen the whole movie. I know, I know — that's on me, and I probably just shouldn't have watched it this close to the film's release (we're only a little more than a week away at this point). But Warner Bros. has been doing some serious work making sure that EVERYONE knows this movie is coming, and to do that, you typically need to give some things away in order to attract audiences to come check it out.
But here's one piece of marketing that doesn't give away a single frame of the movie. It's a new IMAX countdown — you know, the introductory video that plays in IMAX theaters before the movie starts? — that's Suicide Squad-themed, complete with jail cells, explosions, and all kinds of cool nods to the film. I'm a fan, and I think more studios should do this for their films. What do you think?