Here's Our First Look at Josh Brolin as Cable in DEADPOOL 2!
Updated: There's a new full body shot that you can see below thanks to Brolin!
We've all been waiting for it and here it is! Ryan Reynolds has released a photo giving us our first look at Josh Brolin as Cable in Deadpool 2! He looks so freakin' badass!
Last week we were treated with two photos giving us our first look at Zazie Beats as Domino and those photos were met with some controversy because it's not completely faithful to the comic book version of the character. I think all of that worry will fade away once fans are watching the movie.
As for as Cable goes, I love the looks! He looks like a crazy hardcore badass that's not to be messed with. You'll find no complaints from me! But what do you all think!? Do you like the look of Cable in Deadpool 2?!
We all have that one, grumpy, heavily armed Uncle from the future. #PremiumCABLE #JoshBrolin
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) August 7, 2017