Here's Our First Preview for the Fun Sci-Fi Comic ALIENATED #3

It’s been a good long while since we got any kind of previews or anything for comics since COVID-19 slowed everything down. It looks like some things at BOOM! Studios may be picking up though as we now have a preview for the fun sci-fi teen drama comic Alienated #3. In the preview, we see Samuel has made a new video about how terrible the government is and Samantha is using Chip (the alien they found) to steal things and spy on people. I’m excited to get back into the series that comes from writer Simon Spurrier, artist Chris Wildgoose, colorist André May, and letterer Jim Campbell.

It’s Samantha’s turn with Chip—the dangerous alien—but everything starts to go wrong when she instigates a confrontation with her ex-boyfriend. Scared and angry, Samantha struggles with the decision to use Chip’s powers for her own benefit. But not even she knows what the true consequences will be...

Alienated #3 will be available on May 20 digitally through comiXology, Google Play, iBooks, and Madefire while print copies will be exclusively sold through local comic shops.

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