Here's The Honest Trailer For DEADPOOL 2 and Ryan Reynolds Joins in on the Fun!

Deadpool is already known for poking fun at himself and the Marvel universe, so it only makes sense that the Screen Junkies would bring Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) in for the Honest Trailer for Deadpool 2, which ends up turning into an Honest Trailer for Honest Trailers. 

The video actually turned out to be pretty clever and really fun. It's pretty cool that Ryan Reynolds actually took the time to do this and mess around with these guys in making this latest episode of Honest Trailers.

The sequel to the surprise hit that has everyone saying "yeah sure this one is fine" - it's Honest Trailers for Deadpool 2 Don't forget to check out the Honest Trailers Commentary with the three writers of Honest Trailers to see more of their thoughts on the movies!

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